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1 Reply

My Autonest reports no longer print the images of the parts. 


It seems the issue is with .DOC files. You need to save your report as a .DOCX file format.


To do this:


  • Go to print Preview
  • Select the report that has the issue
  • Click Edit



  • When word opens, go to save as
  • And select .docx


Once complete, close down the word doc, and close down print preview.


Click print preview again (this refreshes the list of available reports), and find the DOCX you just created.



This should solve the issue.


1 last thing, if it keeps happening, go to C:/Metalix /Machines folder, and delete the original .DOC file. Make sure to keep the DOCX file.



If you are still having problems with the Pictures not printing, Metalix have a fix from Version 22 Build 423. please contact us get this update.

after updating add a delay.
go to Settings/ Report Settings

In the Genral Tab, add 3-5 secs to the "Delay for Preview Genrateion (sec)"